Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sunny Afternoon

Today we saw the sun! In fact it almost hit 60 degrees in the afternoon, so we had to head outside...
 These pictures of Mya are too much for me. Look at her pretending like she's big stuff on that little bus. 
You guys. I can't take it. I set Mya on that bus and she instantly grew about a year older. I know it's cliche, but what happened to my baby???
Sorry, a few last pictures of Mya on the bus. I really can't get enough.
This semester Josh packed almost all of his classes in on one day and then the rest of the week he only has one class a day. It's really great because on his "light" days we see a lot of him! Today was one of those days :)
 Just when Mya thought nothing in the world could be more fun than riding that little bus, we introduced her to hopscotch. I love that little look on her face of pure joy. 
I hope Spring is here to stay because we need a repeat of this afternoon!

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